Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Traditions

My Easter is going to look very different this year. No bunnies, eggs or baskets. My children are no longer really children at all. Only one (almost)teenager left at home too big for childish traditions. We will still come together but we will find new ways of celebration, new ways of remembrance.

No matter the changes life brings, God offers us each a new beginning in the promise of Easter. Hope finds us waiting at the cross and ushers us to the open tomb. Resurrection, life restored, in the garden where God makes all things new.

Share with me how God is making your life new.


  1. Julie,
    This is beatuiful. Each years seems to be a bit different around here for us, our girls are all grown and now I have two little grandsons but, with inlaws and such our Easter is starting to sound like it will be changing again this year too. I need to let go of traditions and embrace these changes and remember the reason we celebrate is NOT for eggs and choolate bunnies...
    Have a lovely Easter my new friend!

  2. Finding hope in the unexpected...waiting looks like relaxation when you don't focus on the future but stay in the present.
