Friday, April 8, 2011

Giving In, Not Giving Up

I didn't grow up in a church with a Lenten tradition. Lent was something mysterious that got my Catholic friends out of school early on a day that I didn't. I heard them talk about giving something up for Lent. Soda, candy or an activity that they really didn't like anyway. They ate fish on Fridays, but I didn't know why they did any of those things and truth be told, most of them didn't either. It just didn't seem to matter.

Now, I belong to a church that celebrates Lent and for the first time, I understand the beauty of this season. It's about giving in, not giving up. Giving in to the life God calls us to lead. Giving in to the love and grace that Jesus poured out from the cross. Exchanging the things that hold us back from real relationship with the One who asks us to walk with Him.

So, this year I'm doing something different. I'm not worried about giving up my Dr. Pepper or vowing not to eat chocolate til the bunny brings a basket. I'm giving Him something more important, my time. Time free from electronic distractions to dive deep into His Word and seek His will. Time in mindful worship at every opportunity breathing in His Spirit in new, refreshing ways. Time free from unnecessary drama in my own life to serve others in need.

Are you feeling God's pull to do something different? Join us on our journey to the cross. There's still time. Post a comment below to share the ways you're giving in.


  1. I've been getting up at 5:30 to have focused time with God and plan the day. It has been such a blessing to have the extra time and to listen for God's voice.

  2. Julie,
    You are on the 'list' that is getting compiled on blogfrog, christian I came by...will follow you also on here!!

