Saturday, December 31, 2011

One Thing

Disciple life call us into action. 
We can all do One Thing. 
Check out our new page to start the One Thing Challenge. 
Today's One Thing

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Angels heard on high

Luke 2(KJV) 13And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
 14Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

This Christmas I actually heard them. 

The angels.  I actually heard them sing.

My heart burst with joy as I watched in wonder my oldest daughter giving birth to her second child, a son. I felt my soul travel across time 2000 years to a manger in Bethlehem and another young mother who held her newborn son, our Emanuel.

I held my grandson nuzzling his fuzzy little forehead, gazing into the dark pools of his eyes filled with hope and promise having just seen the face of God. Then, I heard them. 

Angels. Heavenly hosts.

Singing of God's glory. Bringing me good will and peace.

Praise God, the angels didn't come just once 2000 years ago.  They come again and again and again.

Do you hear them?

Benjamin Royal Backofen
born Christmas Day 2011
Congratulations! Taylor, Jason and
proud big sister Venessa

Thursday, November 10, 2011


How do I learn the lessons God is trying-so patiently, time after time-to teach me?

Slow down, He says.

Be still.

I never learn it completely.

October was another example of lessons unlearned. Sure, I can tell you about three more trips to the hospital praying helplessly over children bearing burdens beyond their years. I can tell you about adjusting to a new job working hours long into the night watching over lost, troubled children. I can tell you of my own sweet teenager trying to find her way through junior high. You would nod your head with empathy and understanding. You've been there. You know.

How do I learn to live this disciple life? Walking Jesus' cross-carved path.

I stop.

I pray.

God forgives and pours out his redeeming grace upon my weary, unlearning soul.

And, I begin again.

Jesus Prayer by Jenny Youngman

Monday, September 26, 2011

Late night blessings

Sitting here for a third night by my daughter's hospital bed listening to monitors beeping and watching bad late night TV, it's hard to find my blessings.  But, God is faithful so I am faithful to count...

33. free refills on soda in the cafeteria
34. family and friends surrounding us in prayer
35. unexpected mother/daughter time 
36. wifi connections in the room
37. caring and prompt doctors, nurses, aides 
38. husbands and daughters loving with dishes cleaned, meals cooked, pets fed
39. flowers, phone calls, Facebook well wishes
40. silly, sleepy smiles 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Blessings counted

22. family, friends and laughter
23. waking up to the smell of bacon cooking
24. long distance giggles
25. healthy new addition due in December
26. smell of fresh Autumn air
27. pencils, notebooks and backpacks...signs of the new school year
28. clean sheets and fluffy pillows
29. fears faced -Congratulations making Chorale, Maggie!
30. prayers of faith filled friends
31. unexpected kindness...thanks for changing my tire, guys
32. patience for the meantime

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Psst.  I have a confession to make.  I have four great children mostly grown and handling life on their own now.  For the record, I am fiercely proud of each one of them.  But, just between you and me...sometimes I feel like I've failed.

You see, I'm still that worried young mother watching from the dining room as her little cape wearing super boy steps onto the coffee table holding a mailing tube and placing both hands inside the tube pushes himself off the table to fly.  I holler at him to stop but he just flashes me that mischievous grin.  He soars as if in slow motion but I can't reach him in time to save him from the first of what will be several sets of stitches.

I desperately want to save them from their bumps and bruises but no matter how hard I try to warn them, how emphatic my plea, they just smile that sweet smile that says, "Oh, Mom" and go on doing things their own way.

Of course, that's what I wanted, right?  Independent, self assured, confident children who became independent, self assured, confident adults.  That was my job as a mother.  To make them brave enough to carve out a better future than the bumpy road I chose.

So what's a seasoned worrying mama to do when those failure moments come? The only thing I know...

Fall on my faith and pray.

Oh God my Father, keep my children safe as they sleep in their own beds, in their own apartments across town and across the country. Whisper to them the promises you made to me.  Tell them you know them by name, that they are your sons and daughters. No matter what they do they'll never lose your love.  Lord, pour your grace over them as they make the mistakes of youth and humanness. Wrap them with your arms of love until they feel your presence surrounding them. And, Lord, please quiet the worries of my anxious heart and fill it to overflowing with your perfect peace.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Be Counted

Support Justice For Our Neighbors.  
10 projects.  1 click.  Be counted.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Grace and Joy

Eucharisteo...grace and joy. 

Grace and joy.

I long to live in grace and joy.

Patience, eyes wide open, counting...

12. flowers blooming where they don't belong
13. girl time in the kitchen baking cakes
14. red velvet and cream cheese
15. unexpected flowers
16. happy, gurglily, food all over my baby face smiles
17. latte's in my kitchen with the Perfect Iced Coffee, thank you Ree!
18. savoring quiet time with old movies and cuddly kittys
19. turning TVs off (yes, all of them)
20. long journey's, big bear hug hellos, family togetherness once again
21. scents of sanctuary...aged wood, flowered perfume and sweet, sweet spirits
Photo by Travista Creative

Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy 1st Anniversary Kretyen!

I'm going to take a time out to brag on my friends over at Kretyen Fair Trade Gifts and Coffee.  It's a little shop with a big dream over at 25th and Iowa in Lawrence, KS.  Kretyen features unique, handcrafted items from around the world as well as organic coffees, teas, chocolates and more. Fair Trade items benefit us all but particularly the world's disadvantaged populations.

Go see my friend, Deb Rukes, and say hello!  Visit her website for details about the special anniversary celebration on Saturday, July 30th.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Free, Free, Free Opportunity

Doubt and worry have been paralyzing in my life.  It's time to learn how to put them in their place and walk with confidence.  Join me in losing the weight of discouragement and self-doubt.

Renee Swope, from Proverbs 31 Ministries is offering a FREE “7-day Doubt Diet.” Just click here to enter your information in her sidebar, and you’ll receive a week’s worth of devotions from her upcoming book, A Confident Heart. And be sure to let me know so we encourage one another along the way.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Just Married

Last Saturday, I watched as my oldest daughter transformed from a shy, little girl into a beautiful bride and confidently walked down the aisle to her new grownup life. It was a bittersweet moment filled with quiet tears and unspeakable joy.

Tears for the little girl who was left behind. Joy for the young woman who took her place beside a beaming young man. Wrapped in tight with her floral bouquet were all my hopes and dreams. Years of whispered wishes and fervent prayers. Her's now to carry.

Love never fails.

Wedding day picture by Travista Creative photography.

More blessings, many more

8. family time visits
9. fuzzy little noggins
10. hiding under covers 
11. shaking off sleep to sounds of tiny little steps and an excited "Grandma, Grandma"

This was my list on June 7.  I didn't consider it complete and, therefore, didn't post it. Now, I realize that is not the point.

Gratitude is incomplete.  Continuously ebbing and flowing.  Wave after wave.

Grace upon grace.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Be Still

 "Be still, and know that I am God!"...Psalm 46:10(NRS)

Wow, isn't it amazing how much time can pass when you get busy?  I've been so busy these last few weeks that I haven't really been aware of it.  Much of what I would normally do has taken a backseat to other more important things.  I know that there are things that I should do.  I should be journaling, reading my Bible and praying daily but lately, in all my busy-ness, God has fallen through the cracks a little bit. 

I have really good reasons for not spending time in my daily devotions, not taking the time to really, earnestly pray.  You see my daughter got married just this last weekend.  We've had so many things to do to get ready for the wedding.  There was the catering, flowers, dresses, shoes, earrings, veils just to mention a few items on our list.  

We've spent weeks preparing for all of our family who were coming to attend the celebration.  It was quite a frenzy in the final weeks leading up to the Big Day.  One particular day saw three separate trips to look for flowers and candles.  As I stepped out of the car into the oppressive heat we've been experiencing, I heard God's whisper so distinct that I had to turn my head to see if someone was there, 

"Be still and know that I am God!"

Be still.  

I'm not good at being still.  I need to be reminded that it's ok to be still.  God knows that I need activity in my life and he also knows that I need to rest.  

Thank you, Lord, for giving me permission to stop and be still.  Help me be mindful in my daily activity so I never get too busy to make time for you. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blessings big and small...

1. taking time to count
2. little toothless smiles
3. singing my heart out on a quiet afternoon
4. purple blooms on the porch
5. wagging tails
6. praying for a friend
7. cuddling with furry friends

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What do you see...

Are your eyes open where ever you are? You don't have to leave the country or even your city to make a difference. You don't even have to leave your computer. God calls us all to love in action. Once you've seen it, you can't deny it. What do you see today?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Traditions

My Easter is going to look very different this year. No bunnies, eggs or baskets. My children are no longer really children at all. Only one (almost)teenager left at home too big for childish traditions. We will still come together but we will find new ways of celebration, new ways of remembrance.

No matter the changes life brings, God offers us each a new beginning in the promise of Easter. Hope finds us waiting at the cross and ushers us to the open tomb. Resurrection, life restored, in the garden where God makes all things new.

Share with me how God is making your life new.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Giving In, Not Giving Up

I didn't grow up in a church with a Lenten tradition. Lent was something mysterious that got my Catholic friends out of school early on a day that I didn't. I heard them talk about giving something up for Lent. Soda, candy or an activity that they really didn't like anyway. They ate fish on Fridays, but I didn't know why they did any of those things and truth be told, most of them didn't either. It just didn't seem to matter.

Now, I belong to a church that celebrates Lent and for the first time, I understand the beauty of this season. It's about giving in, not giving up. Giving in to the life God calls us to lead. Giving in to the love and grace that Jesus poured out from the cross. Exchanging the things that hold us back from real relationship with the One who asks us to walk with Him.

So, this year I'm doing something different. I'm not worried about giving up my Dr. Pepper or vowing not to eat chocolate til the bunny brings a basket. I'm giving Him something more important, my time. Time free from electronic distractions to dive deep into His Word and seek His will. Time in mindful worship at every opportunity breathing in His Spirit in new, refreshing ways. Time free from unnecessary drama in my own life to serve others in need.

Are you feeling God's pull to do something different? Join us on our journey to the cross. There's still time. Post a comment below to share the ways you're giving in.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sorry, Pastor

I must admit to something on this Sunday morning. I usually pay attention in our worship service. I meditate on each word we repeat with our liturgist. I sing in praise and adoration if not completely on key. And, most importantly, I shut out any distractions around me to focus on what God would say through our Pastor's sermon. I know how hard she prepares. I know she prays over every word. But, on this day, I just couldn't do it.

You see, my son was sitting beside me holding my newborn grandson. My mind started to wander back in time. Back when my little guy was new and squishy. When I could snuggle his tiny head in the crook of my neck as he rested peacefully on my shoulder. Like most mothers, I wondered and worried as he grew. Am I doing things right? Will he ever know how much I love him? Do I pray with and over him enough? Have I taught him that God loves him and holds him in His Hands? Did I do a good job with the gift God gave me?

Today, I watched my son carry his child to the very altar where he was baptized and sit with the Pastor for children's time. While their little voices sang out "God is so Good", I received an unexpected answer. God whispered softly and simply "I am enough".

He is enough.

I can rest right there in those words assured in the knowledge that God is able. I don't need to worry. When I am weak, He is strong. When I stumble, He lifts me up. Whenever the enemy creeps in and I feel like I've utterly failed, I just need to remember...

He is enough.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


I’ve always loved visiting monuments, ancient cathedrals, stopping by historical markers on the highway. I’ve spent countless hours marveling at places where wars were fought, saints prayed and peace quietly prevailed.

A friend of mine is making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land soon and I’ve felt a little twinge of jealousy creeping in. It would be really cool to touch stones that formed the gate where Jesus entered or step in the dust that covered the disciples’ sandals as Jesus washed their feet. But even if I never get to make that trip, God assures me that I don’t have to.

At our Ash Wednesday service last night, my pastor marked my forehead with ashes and said, "You are dust and to dust you will return." I am dust and to dust I will return. These words turned over and over in my head until I heard something I'd never heard before. It's not just the dust in Jerusalem that's special. I am made of dust way cooler than that. Dust that yielded to its Creator to become something more.

In Genesis, we read the creation story. God created heaven and earth. He lit the sky with brilliant stars for day and night. He covered the ground with a lush garden and made all manner of creatures to roam. Then, God scooped me up, carefully formed me in His perfect image and breathed life into me.

I am the dust of creation.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Drive Thru Grace

On my way to Bible study the other night, I did something that I do quite often. I decided to drive through a popular fast food restaurant for coffee, a large half-caf mocha with whipped cream. I had been feeling a little tired from my very long day and wanted a quick pick-me-up. I drove up to the speaker and gave my order. After paying for my purchase, I drove around to the window to wait.

Truth be told, I was also tired in my spirit. I had many issues from the day weighing heavy on my heart. Angry words with my husband, worries about my children, the gnawing feeling that I am woefully inadequate to be God's servant. I sat waiting close to tears when the lady came to the window and handed me my cup. But, this is where she did something unexpected. She held onto my cup for just a moment as I reached out touching her hand just above mine and with a bright smile said, “Have a great night, Enjoy!”

Just then, I felt God’s grace wash over me right there in the drive thru. My Heavenly Father knows my needs. He knew I needed more than just a little caffiene to bring my sprirt into balance. He used her ordinary words to remind me that just when I need Him, He's right here.

Friends and Missionaries

As a little girl, I had a friend named Rebecca Kaymeyer. We were best friends sharing secrets, exploring the neighborhood like detectives looking for a mystery to solve. I couldn't imagine life without her. But one day, she moved away. Not just to another town. She and her family moved to Africa. Her father was an optometrist and he felt called to serve in a clinic giving sight to Africans in need. They were going to be missionaries. I missed my friend but I loved the idea of going to help someone. I tucked her away in my heart and thought of her often. Rebecca, my friend, the real life missionary.

Maybe it was because of my experience with Rebecca, but until just a few years ago, I always thought that to be a missionary meant going someplace far away. I had been feeling a call to missions but I am a wife and mother, I can't go far away so how could I be a missionary? Then, God opened my eyes.

What about the little girl down the street who comes over to play with my children, have snacks and talk? She's been away in foster care several times, siblings in and out of her home, her mother away in rehab. Am I not ministering to her needs? Can I be a missionary too?