Thursday, October 1, 2015

Rainy days and rainbows

Some of you might have seen my Facebook post in the last few days about my experience driving in Northeast Kansas. When I’m driving alone, I like to turn on Christian music and usually I start singing along but at some point my songs turn into prayers and I begin to tell God about my day, my joys and my concerns. 

Friday was one of those days. It was raining as I drove north of Topeka into the vast expanse where Kansas meets Nebraska and you don't always know where you are. 

I was singing along, praying and praising God lifting up my anxious heart, 

asking Him to help me to 

Be Still 

and know Him. 

As I prayed, the rain began to slow and I rounded a curve to behold the most magnificent rainbow I’ve ever seen. The colors were so brilliant I had to stop right there in the road and take pictures.

It was as if God wanted me to know right then 
                       at that very moment 

He heard me. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Grace and goodness

I find myself reflecting on God's grace. He is so good to me even when I don't deserve it. Let's face it I can't ever deserve it. That's the thing about grace.

It's not about me.

It's about my God and His goodness.

He is so good that His grace washes over me like a flood cleansing my undeserving heart making me worthy of His unfailing love.