Monday, September 26, 2011

Late night blessings

Sitting here for a third night by my daughter's hospital bed listening to monitors beeping and watching bad late night TV, it's hard to find my blessings.  But, God is faithful so I am faithful to count...

33. free refills on soda in the cafeteria
34. family and friends surrounding us in prayer
35. unexpected mother/daughter time 
36. wifi connections in the room
37. caring and prompt doctors, nurses, aides 
38. husbands and daughters loving with dishes cleaned, meals cooked, pets fed
39. flowers, phone calls, Facebook well wishes
40. silly, sleepy smiles 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Blessings counted

22. family, friends and laughter
23. waking up to the smell of bacon cooking
24. long distance giggles
25. healthy new addition due in December
26. smell of fresh Autumn air
27. pencils, notebooks and backpacks...signs of the new school year
28. clean sheets and fluffy pillows
29. fears faced -Congratulations making Chorale, Maggie!
30. prayers of faith filled friends
31. unexpected kindness...thanks for changing my tire, guys
32. patience for the meantime